Thursday, December 10, 2015

Give 52 Week 18 - Beautiful Friends

Give 52 - Week 18
Cheryl Houston 2015
Time is so sneaky sometimes. As I was getting ready this morning, I was thinking about how it was Thursday and I couldn't remember if I had posted week 18 of Give 52 or not. Is it week 18? Yes, it is week 18. And, while I did get the artwork in the mail on Sunday, I did not get the blog post up here.

Excuse me while I give myself some grace.

I don't have a good excuse either other than I just didn't do it. I had the time but I chose to focus that time on helping with homework, preparing dinners, journaling in the mornings, and watching television at night.

But, with all of that said, week 18 is no less important to me than any other week. Week 18 was sent to my beautiful friend, Cassie.

Cassie has been my friend since the age of 2? 3? I don't know, forever! We lived across the street from each other. We wanted to be twins. Cassie and Cherylz (that's what her dad called me). When one of us cut our hair, the other one cut their hair. We dressed alike any chance we got. When she moved away to Conroe and I went to visit her we fussed at her sweet mom for not lying and telling the store clerk we were twins when asked.

Cassie is Luci Lemon and I am Tina Tomato. Characters from shirts we wore when were about 5.

She is a beautiful momma of four of the most handsome boys I have ever seen. You should see the mane's of hair these boys have.

And sadly, the theme I am noticing in participating in this quest is that I don't see my friends and family near enough. Or at all! But, friends, that does not stop my heart and soul from loving them. They have touched my life in their own special ways and I hold them with me always. I hope this piece of artwork reminds her of how beautiful she is and how much she is loved.

This is my gift. I give it to you.

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